Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mama tagged me

List these rules on your blog.

* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.

7 facts bout me??
1. I am a Coffee and Teh Tarik maniac.
2. I am not into Hollywood, Bollywood and Malaywood.
3. I was a hot tempered person. Even my high school teachers knew about it.
4. I can't swim.
5. I was HOT during my secondary school, Cold during matriculation period and now, suam-suam.
6. I do not watch Star Wars, The Lord of The Ring, Twilight, Sex and The City, Gossip Girls etc. Rather, I watch all 3 CSIs, Without a Trace, NCIS, 555,553,551,303,701,702.
7. I have never been to an island, beaches and fun-fair. But I had gone to Gunung Jerai 3 times I guess I have been inside Gua Kelam and Gua Tengkorak (highly recommended!) and used to watch a circus alone and at night when I was 13.

7 unspectacular quirks of mine??

I. I forget information quicker than register information.
2. Suddenly, I wanted to become a Barista.
3. I always day-dreaming. Biasala, org kreatif.
4. I am very punctual and hope that people respect it. So, next time people, be on time if you are dealing with me.
5. I was tagged as Budak Sombong Generasi Pertama and Anak Orang Kaya Yang Sombong based on what others say of my first impression.
6. I am a good student
7. I am a good girl.

The person who had tagged me: Mama manja~

The fifth rules: Mama dah tagg depa dah.

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