Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm back...for a while

first of all

its my 20th birthday
this year is special because this is the first time my mom bought a cake without me knowing and there was also a wish on top of the cake!! hehe...(proud daughter)

my family usually (always actually) celebrate my (9) siblings birthday with these snacks.

we never miss it!!! what a simple life, right? and im lovin it. ^^ (smile smile)

and o course not forgetting your effort to type me a message wishing me happy birthday and remembering my birt date...(really proud of you girls)
nisa,awnie,mimi,hanis, arigato gozaimas!!!...please keep on supporting me ya...i love you my fans!!! muahahaha

im in a good mood today.. i hope it last till night.

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