Monday, June 30, 2008

nae mission

Now, as Hanis has mentioned that she will post a new entry about her goal(s) for upcoming semester, I want to do the same too. Because I believe that once I post it here, it is like making a promise to myself and at the same time x.k.u.a.s.e.k.n.a.h citizens will (or will not?) make sure if I do everything that I want to achieve. Plus, it is good to have something to dream off rite? ahhh~nae~terapung-terapung ke awangan....

so; here is what I'm going to do starting this 1st semester of our 2nd year...
  • I want to loose weight by exercising (poco-poco and that English style abs-exercise), jogging and dancing (I have and am d/loading some dance step tutorial videos).
  • Fasting every Monday and Thursday. puasa sunat dong...mau cuci jiwa and perut. boleh dapat pahala!kena menabung pahala cepat2...saham dunia makin menjunam..
  • Eat healthily. My skin is getting more and more sensitive....oh yeah, remind me to buy Dettol...
  • Get 3.5 for CGPA. It’s getting boring having 3.1-3.2 only. And I can only achieve it by, STUDYING! What a surprise...
  • Watch horror film with all 5 of us once a while. hehe...mama kan dah ada....wahahah...mama,rindu cerita mama...
  • As well as continue with my previous missions (I posted in my blog last semester). Istiqamah is very important yo!
  • ah! and post a pic of my cute nephew...hehehe...btw, he called me 'akak'...ala ala comel, mcm makcik dier... looks like (purple line, got to introduce myself?) I 'm going to have a very busy sem huh. So, how about you guys?

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