Friday, May 16, 2008


that’s what people usually said when they are stuck between 2 things....for me I’m stuck between my mom's hope or my ambition. My mom wants me to be a teacher, English teacher like her and just like my sisters. One of them is already an English teacher and the other one is studying TEASL in UTM and might be an English teacher too. Well, for your information, my late grandfather was a teacher...and today is Teacher's Day.TEACHER TEACHER TEACHER!!!!ohhh god....fuhhh....calm down calm down...well, good thing about being a teacher is you'll get lots of presents during teacher's day. I want to be a tourist guide. Some people might say it’s not worth it when you are actually a university student and will have your Bachelor in 3 more years to come...but I just can’t sit/stand still in a place with the same routine. I want to go outside of the world that I live in for 19 years. I want new experience in new place where language is a barrier. I want to do something adventurous like going to Cambodia,Vietnam,South Korea, or Indonesia for example and help those who need knowledge and help...Malaysia have toooooo many teachers to start with...other countries don’t, I guess...its not that I want to be a teacher in other countries, I just want to give free knowledge about everything to those who have lots of questions and curious about the outside world. Like a volunteer who live, eat, sleep in a village, mix with all the villagers but with a stable job there...Now, i just don’t know...maybe I’ll just wait and see whets going to happen...

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