Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2MP's taste

what can we do with a 2MP mobile phone?
take pictures of course. what else.
and that is what i do.

my header is the pic i took a couple months ago. location, in my room of course. and yes, that is the place where i sit down studying, eating, watching vids, day dreaming, and sometimes sleep(skodeng too). this pic definitely or may be put under beginners section but who cares. i love what i see and saw. sometimes.

and why do i change my header?
Because Nana changed hers. and I'm sooo jealous. ilmu adobe amat sukar utk dimaster!
and watching the same light is boring too.

till my next post, update yours.

smile people, smile.
laugh together, laugh.


Trinisaurus said...

eh kerusi kat hafsa msm tue ke...mcm kerusi kat hs je..kesian.. did u buy a new hp?

yukilili said...

a'ah...berat tau kusi tu..n keras..kena ada lapik..
xlah...atip still guna tpon yang sama...