Monday, January 26, 2009

Budak Ben Yang Tak Bertamadun???

a very short-short story. i really mean it. this is an old issue but it will never go away as long as there is a course called BENL in IIUM or as long as there are some sickening set of mentality in students of IIUM.(including lecturers!)

This happened last week on Thursday around 8 p.m. I was walking from my block to Asma' cafe to have a dinner with Fadz. then, i saw three girls were clearing up all those jumbo sale fliers from the walkway. as i was heading towards them,i heard...

"...menyampah betul. Hidup dengan budak Ben yang tak bertamadun..."

i was like dead near her face when she said the last sentence of her wise talk. we made eye contact or maybe face contact? what the hell is that? or maybe i should say we exchange our look? sounds weird?which one eh? aish...well, never mind. As usual, i gave her my genuine/original look. you know which, the one with no emotions at all.just looking into her eyes.(she was looking straight on my face too btw) if i were a man, she will stalked me.muahahaha...bad joke atip. as i took few steps from those circle of fitnah, they suddenly stop talking. the silence really surprised me. then i heard whispers.her other friend, a shorter one said something. i tried to detect what she uttered about but i cant. my ears are not as good as my 360 L + 250 R eyes. when i was about 5-6 metres away from them, without a warning, i heard a big explosion of laughter.

They knew that i am a Ben student.I guess.


very short indeed. Ben = uncivilized. that is a very simple yet stupid belief girls. come on, how old are you girl? i don't know which ben student you are talking about but hey, don't bring me down! do not include me (and others) in your hatred towards someone else. i wonder what made you labelled that Ben student as tak bertamadun? did she partying all night? she drinks alcohol maybe? she slept with her bestfriends's boyfriend? or did she crack? if she does, that is not uncivilized. that is a kind of lifestyle that is deviant from Islamic teaching which the westerners keep on promoting,unintentionally if some of you want me to add that. pfitt, who will believe that.
i don't know what makes you hate her but judging people is not your job. if you really cant control yourself from hating her, fine then, keep it in your heart or write it in your dairy.

it is a fact that i (we?) judged people too (see,see.past tense eh). i said bad things that i regret now and i change that bad habit or still in the process of trying to change it. its not easy, but it is not impossible.

the mind set that people have towards Ben student is not something new. since my sis days, we already have this air. not only students, some lecturers too. saying that we are murtad for studying the kaffirun language. this topic sometimes is very stupid for people to discuss but it is very absorbing and disturbing to let go. it never fails to makes me wonder.


Adlan said...

salam. just want to comment.

at first, i can say BENL is a bunch of people who likes to socialize with others.

but after knowing some of them, i do adore their ability in arts and literature.

but that's why old malay proverb mentioned, 'kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga'

sama2 la berpesan2 kpd kwn2 BEN yg lain..

yukilili said...

kenapa nak hiraukan 1 belanga susu sedangkan kita ada berbelanga lagi susu?

bukan nak melawan tapi tiap2 jurusan pun ada perangai pelik2, tipu lah kalau semua jurusan HS atau IRK baik2 belaka. melainkan semuanya malaikat. masalahnya sekarang, tahap org lain nak pandang remeh tu kena la pada2 sikit.

btw, its good that u adore benl student for their ability in arts and literature, but is that all that u can see? we(saya sebenarnya nak kata la ) are more than that.

jadi, kita sama2 la nasihat-menasihati ...