Saturday, May 30, 2009

Attention girls

Do not contact my mobile phone for now.
Even if you do, no one will entertain your call and message.
My mobile phone was stolen this afternoon, in my own house.
I am all heart-broken and speechless, so I'll watch more videos.
Just like TaeYeon said, people are scarier than ghost.

edit: i just realized that i lost so many things. My money during Matriculation days(RM150-200), my Identity card(twice), my purse(i was pick-pocketed at KL Central), my bank cards and now my mobile phone.

i wonder about three things right at this moment.
Am I...
1) too careless?
2) or just have bad lucks?
3) or have the tendency to meet wrong people at the wrong time?

importantly, I wonder whats next.


DaSarangMin♥ said...

what the.........who do u think???
the one hu stole ur phone??

yukilili said...

tetamu umah kitaorg la kot.
siang tadi jiran ak kawin, dia belah pihak pengantin pompuan.
rumah pihak pengantin lelaki jauh, so umah ak jadi pit stop depa la ntuk tunggu belah pihak pompuan ready. ak letak kat sofa, n time tu ak ngah basuh pinggan. ak check balik about an hour later dah xde.
aih...nak marah pun xleh. benda dah jadi.

Trinisaurus said...

dicurik di rumah sendiri...kasihan...